• Tenders and legal notifications

    Tenders and legal notifications

Supplier credit

The Consorzio ZAI in Verona hereby gives notification (by means of the list attached to this sub 1 notification) to have identified works that, in accordance with art. 125 of leg. dec. no. 163/2006 and in respect of the maximum amounts set by the laws in force concerning public works, may be acquired by the association through the stipulation of jobbing contracts. The above depends on consultation with at least five financial operators in respect of transparency, turnover, equality of negotiation.
Applying companies in possession of the legal requirements for undertaking one or more of the works on the attached list, may inform the association (preferably using the form in attachment 1) of their interest in being consulted by Consorzio ZAI in the course of their market surveys which, when the need to acquire one or more of the above-mentioned works arises, will be carried out to grant and entrust the said work.

It is hereby specified that said notification of interest does not bind the Consorzio ZAI to consult all the companies that place a request. In accordance with article 13 of Legislative Decree 196/2003, the interested parties are hereby informed that any data collected will be computer processed and used by Consorzio ZAI staff exclusively for market survey purposes. Data processing is the responsibility of the Consorzio's technical office. The supply of personal details is optional but, should the data provided prove insufficient, the Consorzio may exclude the company from consultation.

Thanks are extended as of now to those companies that send in their notification of interest and consent to personal detail processing.