Consorzio ZAI System

Consorzio ZAI
Since its establishment in 1948, Consorzio ZAI has made a significant contribution to the development of the economy in Verona: as a territorial-based institutional body, it is responsible for urban planning and promoting the overall development of the territory and its economy.
Consorzio ZAI manages four areas: the industrial zone known as the Historical ZAI, the Two-Bassona industrial zone, the Marangona area, and the Europa Quadrant, Italy's first interport for combined goods traffic volumes.
Altogether, this is a 10 million square meter infrastructure system, within which the Europa Quadrant is a true "city of goods," highly specialized and regulated by high-level integrated logistics systems.

Quadrante Europa
Located at the intersection of the Brenner (north-south) and Serenissima (west-east) motorways, as well as at the intersection of the corresponding railway lines, the Interporto Quadrante Europa covers an area of 2.5 million m2, with an expected expansion of up to 4.2 million m2.
This infrastructural system, designed and managed by the ZAI Consortium with a detailed plan approved by the Veneto Region, is directly connected to the Brenner axis and the future Base Tunnel. It represents an ideal meeting point for national and international road and rail freight transport; in particular, international freight traffic coming or going to central-northern Europe through the Brenner converge here.

30 mln
Tons of goods handled


Quadrante Servizi
Quadrante Servizi, a company instrumental to the Quadrante Europa freight terminal, including the railway yard, provides all common and strategic services. It works for the supply of a very wide range of services, while maintaining a strong specialization in specific areas:
- management of the single railway maneuver of the entire interport area (from the Quadrante Europa station to the private connections connected to it);
- ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of the interport facilities as well as their administrative management;
- management of the interport telematic network.
Quadrante Servizi stands as a credible and reliable interlocutor towards all the realities that populate the interport of Verona Quadrante Europa and connected to it, operating as a "super partes" subject and offering necessary and useful services to all interport interlocutors in an equitable manner , transparent, and non-discriminatory.



Quadrante Europa Terminal Gate
Quadrante Europa Terminal Gate is the company, established in 2005, with equal participation of 50% of the two partners: Consorzio ZAI and Rete Ferroviaria Italiana (FS Group). QE Terminal Gate is therefore innovative from the point of view of corporate governance, a union of the local authority and the infrastructure manager.
He designed and built the 3rd module of the intermodal terminal of the Interporto Quadrante Europa, the "Compact Terminal", at the forefront from the point of view of the technology used and the management model of reference.
Specifically, the "Compact Terminal" has made it possible to double the intermodal capacity of the interport using a space equal to approximately 40% of the area currently dedicated to rail / road transshipment, rationalizing railway maneuvering activities and optimizing internal movements through the physical separation between the production and storage areas.


5 tracks

3 modern cranes
ZAILOG is a subject that acts as an "operational" interlocutor for freight transport and logistics policies in a wider area than that traditionally pertaining to the ZAI Consortium. ZAILOG provides services that do not have a market demand, but are able to generate benefits for the ZAI Consortium and for the whole of the local productive fabric, through participation in community research and development projects.
ZAILOG, established in 2016 by Consorzio ZAI and Quadrante Servizi, stimulates and implements the research and development of innovative technologies and new process and business models in the transport and logistics sectors, as well as their transfer to the Italian industry, and in particular to the companies located and operating in the Interporto Quadrante Europa in Verona.
Over the years ZAILOG has taken part and continues to participate in the main EU funding programs: CEF, Horizon, Interreg and LIFE. It proposes, manages and develops innovation projects with national and international partnerships.


Strategic for Quadrante Europa